Saturday, June 18, 2011

Update from the shop

It's been a while since I've updated my progress as a tattoo apprentice. I've spent several months now working at Happy Valley Tattoo and Piercing in American Fork. It's been great to meet so many new people and learn from people who have been doing tattoos for years and years. My down time is spent drawing. Lots of drawing... My next goal is to tattoo a portrait or otherwise highly detailed image to push myself toward realizing anything people throw at me. I'll be doing my first portrait this coming Monday!

Happy Valley has been a blast to tattoo at. I feel more confident with each new client, and look forward to more work. Any of you who are interested should head on over and get yourself some work! Look us up.

Here are a few pieces that I have done recently that I needed to get on the blog.
Another excellent butterfly. This was actually a cover-up, but I forgot to take the before photo. It was some text that the client didn't care for anymore.
Very fun to do. This dream catcher is a kind of symbol of this client deciding to let the stress in her life take care of itself when things get too tough. I used simplified shapes with the feathers and string. Nice dream catcher.
Getting much better at lettering. I've been tattooing a lot of first-timers lately!
Neck. ... A difficult place to tattoo.After this one was done, the guy went to the mirror and had a troubled expression. I asked what was up and he said, "Isn't it supposed to be 'J' first, then 'R'?" A surge of adrenaline flew to my face for a split second before I realized that he was confused from the reflection reversing the letters. Phew! We laughed.
The ear. ... ... even harder spot than the neck. This is one of my favorites now, though. The colors alone inspire me to try mixing more hues and use fewer outlines whenever a client would like something more artsy, rather than traditional.

1 comment:

  1. That ear one looks really painful! But it turned out great, so good job!
