Saturday, March 19, 2011


Pretty much, this blog disappeared yesterday, only to magically reappear today. Why? Who? No clue.

Rat Tribal (embossed)

This is mine. One of the artists at the shop did it for me in exchange for the flower posted earlier. Man, I forgot how much these things hurt! Especially after it's been going for an hour or so. So worth it, though. Oh, and the reason why the top photo is flipped is because I had to take it through a mirror to get a good view.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Goat Eye with Scales

This is old. In fact, since I did this one, a fellow artist has been working on completing this dude's sleeve. However, I snatched a photo of the tattoo untouched.
Just the eye. ;)

Firefighter Skull Add-on

Added on the client's kids' names and touched up a few bits here and there that the red ink just didn't settle the first time. I'm liking the idea of doing free-hand tattoos (or at least sections of them). I needed a pattern for the words, obviously, but the flames were done without a pattern. It's really fun and the client really liked it!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Tattoo trading - flower

The other week, I was speaking with another artist I work with, discussing work he's had done on his skin. I mentioned that I have several ideas that I'd like to get and he asked why I haven't yet. When I said it was because of the cost, he replied, "What do you mean? You work at a tattoo shop! You don't have to pay us."

Obviously, I can't ask for much without some form of deal, so I got him to agree to trade work. This is what he asked me to do the other day.

I was surprised at first that he'd let "the apprentice" do work on him, but he didn't even hesitate as far as I could tell. I think it turned out real well. One of the other artists commented on it, telling me that my shading is getting better and better with every tattoo I do. Sweet.