Monday, March 7, 2011

Tattoo trading - flower

The other week, I was speaking with another artist I work with, discussing work he's had done on his skin. I mentioned that I have several ideas that I'd like to get and he asked why I haven't yet. When I said it was because of the cost, he replied, "What do you mean? You work at a tattoo shop! You don't have to pay us."

Obviously, I can't ask for much without some form of deal, so I got him to agree to trade work. This is what he asked me to do the other day.

I was surprised at first that he'd let "the apprentice" do work on him, but he didn't even hesitate as far as I could tell. I think it turned out real well. One of the other artists commented on it, telling me that my shading is getting better and better with every tattoo I do. Sweet.


  1. What color is the flower? It's hard to tell if it is dark, or just the picture quality :]

  2. Actually, it's just black. The skin is irritated, so it gives that awesome post-tatted color. ;)

  3. So where's yours? What did you get for doing work on him?
