This client had this ankle tattoo done a while back, but wasn't happy with the lettering and placement. As we discussed what could be done to fix it, we figured that even if the placement can't be easily fixed, w can at least make it look nicer. Below are the before and after photos; left being before and right being after.

With the lettering, my goal was to darken it and make it a little more interesting. I went ahead and widened some of the curves and lowered some letters' bottoms to make them fix their word.

Another main task for me was fixing the stars between each word. The stars had originally been done in a kind of curvy convex pentagon, rather than a 5-point star. I got that fixed relatively easily.

This was another main portion. The design had a cherry set, whose colored ink had almost completely faded. I like how they turned out after the fix.
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